Sunday, August 31, 2008

EP birthplace

From last years visit. - a sorta good restroom stop.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

On the Road

Day One:

Oh well, so we purchased a new cooler for nothing. We do have plenty of junk food, and shoes. ( Can't go anywhere without the shoes.)

We made it to West Plains Missouri today. It's been quite a trip so far. We've eaten chips, cookies, boiled peanuts, and lots of trail mix. I wanted to name this blog, "Road Kill, Trail Mix, and Boiled Peanuts" but it wouldn't work, so I decided to then name it "Peanuts in the Wind" because we kept throwing the hulls out the window, but that would not work either. So "Bumpy Trails" it is.

I do however feel I must explain the original title. Once we got on the road the guys decided we must count the dead animals we saw so I guess you can figure out the road kill part of it. Trail Mix, well you know me, I love to snack while traveling, so I made a large bowl of dried fruit and nuts. Boiled peanuts are must for all Southerners who travel this time of year.

Our first exciting stop was the Elvis Presley(I know everyone remembers this guy) birth place. Mike and Joe really enjoyed this stop. Every one knows what an outhouse is right?

The second place we stopped to take a look around was Powhatan Historic State Park is Arkansas, it was a cute little place with lots of old houses and one old court house and jail. It was right beside a beautiful river and of course Mike had to take a walk to look at the river. He has decided he needs to fish, and hunt doves.